Vadim Paripa via Unsplash; Canva Now that cheery spirit of marriage has possessed you both, it never hurts to come prepared for some serious photo-captioning. Whether it’s a matrimony selfie, a reception snapshot, or any photo related to your wedding, the captions and quotes present here surely have what it takes to rise to the occasion! You’re busy, I know. There’s a lot of things to do, yeah. So feel free to use this collection as much as you wish for your much-needed captioning needs, and be on your way in celebrating your grand wedding!

The Best Wedding Captions

A sweet ending to a new beginning. And we lived happily ever after. And thus begins our greatest adventure yet. Beside me is my best friend, behind us is our family. Cheers to the world’s cutest married couple! Current Mood: Married! Dreams do come true. I found you. Excitement, tenseness, and expectation all at once! Found the soul that my own soul seeks. From now on, we’ll be always together, and never apart. Grow old with me, and let’s be merry forever! Happy to be alive and together! Happily ever after begins here. Have you heard the news? We’re married! Husband and wife; best friends for life. I do, I do, I do! I love you and I like you. Just eloped, no big deal. Life version 2.0 begins now! Love is in the air! Love truly, drink deeply, and dance badly. Lucky to have found one another in this vast world. Made possible by two people who fell hopelessly in love. May our love be constant even when we grow old. Not only did we tie the knot, we also tied our hearts and souls. Now we can hang out forever! On to the next page of our love story. One day down, forever to go. Pack your bags, we’re getting married! Soulmates for life! Taking on the world together. The kind of love that was built from the ground up. The love I feel towards you is an eternal and never-ending journey. This relationship has set sail! To the happiest memories, now and forever. Together is the best place to be. Two hearts beating as one. Unbelievable! To think that you’re mine now and I‘m truly yours. United by love and a heartbeat. Until our very last page, we promise to always be together. We are taking our state of friendship to the highest level. Wedding bells, here we go! Welcome to our fairy tale! Wherever, whenever, this is our dream. Your best and your worst—I love both! Yup, this love is a forever kind of thing.

The Most Joyous Wedding Quotes

An hour of wedding, a lifetime together. Above all else, love each other deeply. Are you happy when someone else is happy? That is love! Becoming one in flesh and spirit is truly a miracle. Being with you is all I really want. Completely and perfectly incandescently happy. Don’t marry someone you can live with. Marry someone you can’t live without. Ever thine, ever mine, ever ours. Everything’s going to be alright with you by my side. I just know it! For you whispered not into my ear, but into my heart. Here’s to all the times we’ll be sharing life’s ups and downs hand-in-hand. I’d choose you, no matter what, in each and every version of reality that exists. Just like wildflowers, true love is found in places where you don’t expect to find it. Love isn’t something one seeks; it’s something one becomes. No longer two but one. Not only did we catch each other’s eye, we also caught each other’s heart. Oh, love so sweet! How it all begins when two hearts meet. Our relationship, which is built on faith and love, shall continue to blossom forevermore. So, who got the better deal? We both did! Sometimes, dreams do come true. True love is the greatest adventure. True love stands by each other’s side on good days and stands closer on bad days. Two hearts beating as one need no words. What is meant to be will be. Where the aisle ends, forever begins. You and me, forever, every day.

Short Wedding Captions

A picture-perfect day. About damn time! Always and forever. Best. Day. Ever. Better together. Blessed beyond measure. Dream wedding come true. For better or for worse. Found the one. Fueled by love. Fun times ahead. Happily married. Heaven on earth. It just got real. Just married. Lavished in perfect grace. Let the good times roll! Let’s celebrate! Locked in for life! Made for each other. Mutual weirdness forever. My other half. New beginnings. Not your ordinary love. Now and forever. Now. Forever. Just us. Of vows and promises. Officially “Mr.” and “Mrs.” Our love is only growing. Our love story. Our moment. Please, pray for us. Rooted in love. Seriously awesome couple. Sip, sip, hooray! Stuck like glue. To infinity and beyond. Today’s the big day! Together forever. Two souls, one heart. Until the very end. We decided on forever. We did. We said “Yaaaas!” We’ve decided on forever. We’ve got this! When “yes” means “forever.” Yes, we do. You had me at hello. You’re my person.

Romantic Captions for Wedding Photos

Addicted to one another’s love. All of my smiles start with you. All the love songs seem to be about the two of us now, huh? Catastrophically in love with each other. Cherishing these unforgettable memories. Every new day from now on is going to be exciting! For us both, home isn’t a just a place. It’s actually a person, and we’re finally home. Forever exists and we’ll prove just that! Forever has a nice ring to it. God knew my heart needed you. Hand-in-hand, we can do anything! Home is wherever I’m with you. Honestly, I have forgotten what life was like without you. How about food, drinks, and endless entertainment…for the rest of our lives? I fall in love with you every time I look into your eyes. Just you and me, forever. Keep on dating, and keep on flirting. Love at first sight was just a legend to me…until I saw you. May we be happy forever, as we are happy today. My melting point is your smile. My soul always knew that your soul was its soulmate. Next to you is my favorite place. No maps needed here. We just know that we’re on the right course. Now we can hang out forever! One day, we’ll be dreaming and looking back at this exact moment in time. Our favorite love story? Ours! Our hearts found their happy place right next to one another. Sticking with you till the very end. So, what should we name our kids? Thank you for showing up in my life. To a lifetime of happy anniversaries. Until the sun stops shining and the waves stop crashing, I will always love you. We love each other wildly, insanely, infinitely. We will walk this journey from beginning to end. We’ll ride this love and go around the world together! You and me and sights to see. You be my glass of wine, I’ll be your shot of whiskey.

Funny and Witty Wedding Captions

A sweet ending to a new beginning. All I wish for is may my arms find you every time I wake up. Although we know you only came for the cake, thanks for staying for the vows. Basically, the royal wedding. Booze, food, and bad dance moves. Bridezilla? Who, me? Confetti here, champagne there, love everywhere. Congrats on being stuck with me forever! Crazy how we just woke up and decided to get married! Doubling the pleasure with mutual participation. Eat, drink, and be married. Emotional wedding. Cake in tiers. Geddit? Free beer (and a wedding). Goodbye wedding planning, hello married life! Holy sht, we got married! I just showed up for the cake. I’m sorry for the things I said when I was making the guest list. It was love at first swipe. It’s time to conquer the world! Just married. Surprise! Last chance to run away. Life ain’t perfect, but this wedding is! Marriage is quite a perilous lifelong expedition. Wish both us good luck! Meet your new king and queen! No ugly crying today, please. Not the royal wedding you expected, huh? Okay, enough with the ceremonies, and let the cake be served! Once in a lifetime event? No, let’s get married every year! Quarantine partners for life. Serving good looks from every angle. Sht just got real! Thanks for not saying no. The hunt is over! Thus begins the endless sleepover with my favorite weirdo. Till death do us part-y. Turns out I kind of like having you around. Watch us build a empire together. We are going to be weird old people. We fell in love, and now we’re flying. Wedding of the century, I guess. You said, “I do” so “I did” too! You still like me, right?

Even More Wedding Quotes and Captions

And so, the adventure begins! Being spontaneous was always our thing. By each other’s side is our paradise on earth. Celebrating the solemnization of our relationship. Cheers to love and laughter! Do you know what’s going to be more awesome than our wedding? Our marriage! Finally! We hit jackpot with Forever is really long time, but if it’s with you, then I’m sure I’ll have a blast! Good luck to the both of us. Happy to have you in my life. I do, we did. I’ll always choose you. It’s about time. Just say you won’t let go. Let’s never stop making memories like this. Life becomes more colorful when you find your perfect match. Marriage? Yeah, it has a nice ring to it. No longer two, but one. Not to brag, but I think we, indeed, are the perfect match! Now this is an event that doesn’t happen every day! Okay, it’s safe to say I’ll be inside all summer. Our day was fantastic from beginning to end. Ready to start the grand escapade called “marriage.” Romantic future already mapped out. Thank you for loving me. This is where our forever starts. This just might be our most romantic escapade yet. To love, laughter, and happily ever after. To the countless crazy adventures that await the both of us! We are in love. Ain’t it obvious? You are mine…at last. You’re my end and my beginning. Yup, souls don’t meet by accident. 150  Wedding Captions and Quotes for Couples to Use on Instagram - 42150  Wedding Captions and Quotes for Couples to Use on Instagram - 28150  Wedding Captions and Quotes for Couples to Use on Instagram - 95150  Wedding Captions and Quotes for Couples to Use on Instagram - 72