Here we are again; a new year filled with endless possibilities. One of the most explosive markets is without a doubt software development. It has been making major strides in open-source software development, machine learning, infrastructure, and reassembly, and customer-first design. It is safe to say that given the pace of this market, 2017 is going to be a goldmine for software development. What we will find in the new year will be revolutionary breakthroughs like chatbots, cloud offerings, predictive analytics and so much more. Let’s take a peek at what is to come.
1. The Use Of Artificial Intelligence Will Rise
We have seen James Cameron’s The Terminator, Steven Spielberg’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence and Her, but have any of these movies or TV shows been doing AI right? It would appear as such when we open our eyes to the real world. We are slowly moving into that phase where AI is becoming ubiquitous. From what we have gathered from CB Insights, every major tech giant is looking to scoop up startups that are highly focused on artificial intelligence. About 140 startups have been rounded up by big leaguers such as Google, Facebook, Apple, and Salesforce since 2011. In 2016, 40 of them had been acquired.
The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
2. Open-Source Platforms Will Continue To Dominate
Incorporating open-source culture and code is the key factor behind the success of every disruptive company out there. Open-source is what made it possible for us to move from operating systems to programming languages. Unleashing open-source allows individual companies to be created, then evolve into something more. It is necessary to keep up with the ever-changing paradigm of technology and become part of an even larger community.
3. Smart Apps Are The Way To Go
In spite of being blessed with the internet of things (IoT) and other technological innovations, many companies often don’t know what to do what all that data. Smart apps will enable them to get better insights into all that data and streamline them into core processes to better serve their customers. Part of the reason for the rise of smart apps is the ever-growing popularity of chatbots. The intelligent bots are providing a new line of communication for users as they continue to spend more time on messaging apps than they would on social media. The bots and tools understand human emotion, read facial expressions and learn new skills in the process.
4. Chatbots Will Replace Humanoids
If you have been paying attention recently to what Facebook and Twitter have been cooking up online, you would know that they are implementing chatbots to conduct sales as well as other forms of communication with online users. The idea is to get intelligent bots to answer all the common queries and problems of customers to deliver a more efficient feedback. Chatbots have also been getting a lot of attention due to how easy it is to make one. With Facebook’s messenger app, the pain of creating a chatbot has significantly dropped.
5. The Business Infrastructure Will Be Safer
The infrastructure of a company is akin to a human being’s skeletal system. If you don’t take care of it, it will likely fall apart. You need to ensure a long and healthy life for yourself as well as that of your enterprise. But it is often easily overlooked due to you paying attention to something else, like business models. As a result, security is damaged, schedules conflict, maintenance costs go through the roof and servers succumb and decay within time. The good news, however, is that there have been enormous strides made in development, delivery, and storage. It will allow you to focus on your core business responsibilities without having to worry about the internal structure and organs of your business. Some of these strides include serverless architecture, distributed systems, containers, microservices.