Here are some key points about global variable visibility in Python:

Global variables are defined outside of functions or classes and can be accessed from anywhere in your code. You can access global variables using the global keyword, but it is generally considered good practice to avoid using global variables as much as possible. Global variables can be modified within functions or classes, but you must use the global keyword to indicate that you are modifying the global variable, rather than creating a new local variable with the same name. If a global variable and a local variable have the same name, the local variable takes precedence and the global variable will not be accessible within the function or class. You can use the globals() function to get a dictionary of all global variables and their values, and the locals() function to get a dictionary of all local variables and their values. It is important to understand the scope of variables in your code, because variables with the same name in different scopes may have different values. To avoid confusion and make your code easier to understand, it is generally recommended to use descriptive, unique variable names and to avoid using global variables whenever possible.

Python Global Variable

To define a global variable in Python, simply assign a value to a variable outside of any function or class definition. For example:

You can then access these variables from anywhere in your code simply by referring to their names. For example:

This will output the values of the global variables x, y, and z within the function some_function. It’s important to note that global variables can be modified within functions or classes, just like any other variable. However, this can lead to unintended side effects, as the changes will be visible to other parts of the program as well. To avoid this, it’s generally a good idea to avoid modifying global variables directly, and instead use them as read-only constants.

Python Global Variable Visibility in Function

You can also define global variables within functions or classes, but you must use the global keyword to indicate that you are referring to the global version of the variable. For example:

In this example, the global variable x is defined outside of the function and is initially set to 10. Within the function some_function, the global keyword is used to indicate that the x variable being modified is the global version of the variable, rather than a local version. As a result, the value of x is modified to 20, and this change is visible outside of the function as well.


It’s generally considered a good practice to avoid using global variables wherever possible, as they can make your code more difficult to understand and maintain. Instead, it’s often a better idea to pass values as arguments to functions or to store them in objects or data structures that can be passed around as needed. This can help to reduce the complexity of your code and make it easier to reason about. I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.