Everyone is looking for a helpful way or tool to remember things or keep our routines on schedule. A newer option we’ve seen is using near field communication, or NFC, tags that can connect to cell phones to track things over short distances. TikTok user @caitlinmariedasilva shares a cool way she keeps track of a variety of things with a simple system.   Commenters to this video are inspired to find new solutions and impressed by the new information. Josephine Au suggested, “I feel like this would be really good for the visually impaired.” “This would be so cool for moms! To track baby poops and feedings!,’ noted Claudia C. Peacefulliving8 admitted, “Super intrigued and confused all at the same time! Need to look into this.” This is a great idea to help people keep track of their daily routines. The cool part about using NFC tags is they are so versatile and can be added to many things and create a detailed plan. With the prices mentioned, this is a very affordable solution.